Friday, November 11, 2011

"your" vs. "you're"

Your invited.
Really?  It's mine?  All for my very own?  I've never had an invited before.  How do you take care of it?  Does it need any kind of special know-like a hamster or guinea pig?  How many walks a day does it need?  I mean, I've already got a dog so I guess it's no big deal if it needs a walk.  What about potty training?  Will it go on the newspapers or do I need a litter box?  I really should go to my immunologist and make sure I'm not allergic to inviteds.

All kidding aside, I can't decide what is sadder about this little ad-vitation I got from a local real estate company.  The fact that they used "your" instead of "you're"  or the fact that they evidently either bought a stamp using it incorrectly or paid money to have it made.  So sad.  Where are the grammar police when you really need them?

Photo source: ©Katie Bowman

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